Amplify preparedness
A comprehensive emergency program demands thinking beyond the basics and covering the extra elements needed to complete your plan.
At Hour-Zero, we understand emergency programs need more than just standard response protocols to be fully effective.
We take into account the dynamics of school districts, the roles of individual departments and employees, and the necessity to bolster readiness with clearly outlined support annexes.
The Hour-Zero School Emergency Program includes multiple annexes that provide specialized information to augment core components.
With consistent terminology and aligned processes, we ensure that your annexes will complement, rather than clash with, other aspects of your plan.

Hour-Zero Support Annexes
Annexes expand upon, rather than repeat, the information contained in the core plan.

Emergency Operations Center
Organizational structure and operating procedures for a District-operated Emergency Operations Center.
Crisis Intervention
Guidelines, resources, and materials to help schools address the needs of students, staff, and families following a crisis event.
Light Search and Rescue
Search criteria, guidelines, and resources for safely conducting an initial search of a lightly damaged building, locating victims with no or minor injuries, and aiding them in evacuation.
Mass Care
The Mass Care Annex sets the framework to manage, direct and control resources to facilitate triage and provide essential life support needs of students and staff in a major emergency.
Incident Command System
The annex incorporates proven command structure, roles, responsibilities, and coordination mechanisms for efficient incident management in emergency response.
The materials align with the internationally recognized Incident Command System, the National Emergency Management System, and the Standardized Emergency Management System.
Special Needs Accomodations
The annex takes into consideration the needs of students who may require additional assistance during an emergency.

Emergency Support Functions
Emergency management requires a coordinated effort from all departments. The Emergency Support Function (ESF) plans address department-specific issues that extend beyond the response phase of an incident.
The ESF plans include mitigation, preparedness, and recovery tasks that respective departments must consider and execute.
- Transportation
- Human Resources
- Student Services
- Information Technology
- Facilities

Incident-Specific Protocols
The Incident-Specific Protocols annex (aka Hazard-Specific Annex) provides in-depth guidance on how to respond to approximately 50 risks commonly identified by schools. The annex covers different levels of responsibility among personnel, including staff, school emergency response team, and district team members. Additionally, this annex provides resources that can assist in and accelerate decision-making.
The annex complements the Plan’s functional protocols, the building blocks.
Pandemic Preparedness
Pandemic Plan with all the tools to manage operations, train staff, and communicate with stakeholders, including risk management activities, policies, communication documents, and a Business Continuity Plan.
Food Safety
The resource provides key food safety practices and information to consider in various emergencies to promote safe food services at school meals and reduce the risk of foodborne illness.
CBRN Hazards
Chemical, Biological, Radiological and Nuclear Hazards
Biohazard guidelines and resources to address CBRN-related incidents.
Special Events
This annex outlines procedures, resources, and coordination specific to managing safety and security for special events within emergency response operations.
International Travel
This annex addresses protocols, communication, resources, and support for managing emergencies while on student field trips involving international travel.
Election Polling Stations
This annex discusses the recommendations for procedures, security protocols, coordination, and emergency contingencies that should be established when a school is designated as an election polling station.
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